





在制造业转型过程中,机器和人员之间需要进行越来越多的相互通信,而传统有线技术限制了这种相互通信的方式,同时也影响了现有技术实现持续改进所需的灵活性。 新一代无线5G通信具有有可靠、响应灵敏的特点,在过程控制中将是一个明显的机会。在许多方面,5G将成为物联网的推动者,因为来自工厂传感器的数据采集可以实时流动并具有可控的延迟。 对于制造业而言,一个挑战将是在室内环境中建立可靠的无线电网络,这些环境可能会受到无线电干扰。另一个挑战

Photovoltaic industrial bracket quality assurance and maintenance requirements

Photovoltaic industrial bracket quality assurance and maintenance requirements


      Photovoltaic industrial bracket is a very important infrastructure at present. It is a very important maintenance and safety guarantee facility for power supply, which is equivalent to the foundati

What are the difficulties in the production process of solar photovoltaic industrial bracket

What are the difficulties in the production process of solar photovoltaic industrial bracket


       Generally speaking, the structure of solar photovoltaic industrial bracket is relatively simple, but it cannot be seen too easily. Solar photovoltaic industrial bracket contains many technical

What are the causes of corrosion of bracket bearing parts

What are the causes of corrosion of bracket bearing parts


  1. Influence of production process       During the production process, the products often receive strong corrosive substances such as acids and alkalis, which are rusted due to improper treatmen

What kind of machine slide carriage is it?

What kind of machine slide carriage is it?


Machine slide carriages are generally used to support cargo. Machine slide carriages can run on overhead rails. There are many machine slide carriages. For example, to avoid excessive deflection of the chain, it can be d




大连金奇制造有限公司位于大连市金州经济开发区的七顶山金浦新区内,全区现有高新技术企业326家,京东,苏宁,日本电产等国内外大型企业都在该工业区建立作业基地。 为促进工业基地发展,带动地方经济,打造更加健全的工业区,政府于2018年开始打造从工业园区到大连市内的跨海大桥。现跨海大桥已完成大半,或将在2020年正式通车,届时由大连市内至工业区将更加方便快捷,欢迎各行业人士到公司访问!

What are the causes of corrosion of bracket bearing parts

What are the causes of corrosion of bracket bearing parts

  1. Influence of production process       During the production process, the products often receive strong corrosive substances such as acids and alkalis, which are rusted due to improper treatmen

What kind of machine slide carriage is it?

What kind of machine slide carriage is it?

Machine slide carriages are generally used to support cargo. Machine slide carriages can run on overhead rails. There are many machine slide carriages. For example, to avoid excessive deflection of the chain, it can be d



为什么我们的产品需要机械加工? 机械加工和其他方式相比,优缺点是什么? 机械加工是指通过一种机械设备对工件的外形尺寸或性能进行改变的过程。机加工包括:车、铣、钻、刨、磨、剪等。 机加工无需模具设计制作,具有很大的自由度,且加工精度非常高;但机加工产量低,难加工形状复杂的结构。 尽管生产效率低,不少高价格、高质量的金属产品还是采用CNC铣的方法;一方面,人们还没有找到更好的方法;另一方面,压铸、锻压等工艺的效率高,但表